Friday, February 29, 2008

The San Fransico earthquake

In early morning hours of April 07,1906.I started to walk my dog at 6:30 in the morning when the neighbor said, did you heard it its all over the city, at first I didn't know what he was talking about, and then I remembered that it was in the news paper that said "Earth Quake At San Francisco"! ,but they said in the news paper also that it might be a false alarm an to not worry about it. April 18,1906 at 8:24p.m. I was asleep on my bed I was awaken by a huge rumbling of my furniture it felt like someone was shaking San Francisco I waited for it to stop, it almost took eight hours for it to stop, I went to open the door to see what had happened when I saw............ end of part 1

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Making New Laws

I would make a law that people should stop ignoring stray and hurt animals. Another law I would make is that fifth graders could at least have extra time for Recess,P.E,and ART. Not Music!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I think the tube 2 had less water then tube 3 , and tube 3 had more soil and clay then tube 2.Even though tube 2 had less water, it had clearer water than tube 3.

Friday, January 25, 2008


This time I think their was no ground water because the soil was already wet.Although it did create a runoff, and made the sand come out the hole faster.My hypothesis was correct this time because it did create a runoff.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Investigate 2 Summary

The water created an runoff down the soil ,and left the rocks behind. It also created erosion because it took the soil with it. My hypothesis was wrong because I thought it would create a pathway in the soil. It actually took almost everything with it creating an erosion.